Tuesday 5 April 2011

Day 1

Monday 4th April 2011

Hired Guns
Today was the first day of my placement at Cadbury and as expected I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it. The day began with an introductory tour around the offices and departments by Rachel Eaton, before the mandatory sorting out of ID cards, security access and signing of forms.

With the ‘boring’ stuff out of the way, we went into the design studio (our working area for 2 weeks) and met up with David Pegg who gave us a quick briefing of what would be happening over our time at Cadbury before giving us a tour around the office. For me this was the most insightful part of the day as I got to see real people within the industry putting their skills and talents to good use. Ranging from photography departments through to art directors the office was a constant hive of activity.

Taking position on the sofas we held our first group meeting to discuss the brief we had been given.  The brief task read as follows:

 To produce a packaging design concept for a chocolate countline bar together with a concept for a poster, promoting the bar to its target audience. The target audience is 25-35 females.

Straight away our group erupted in an explosion of ideas, this ensured we kept bouncing concepts off each other and creating new ones in the process. This reminded me of exactly why I had chosen to study this course at University.

I could get paid to do this day in day out!

This process of working soon gave birth to the brand name Caress.

Caress - To touch or stroke in an affectionate or loving manner

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