Wednesday 6 April 2011

Day 3

Wednesday 6th April 2011

9 to 5 job? Not A Chance!

There is no such thing as going from A to B. It goes A to B,C,D,E to F – never has a truer word been spoken.

Eager to get cracking we arrived early to the office and got straight into bringing yesterdays concepts to life. After clarifying, I can know speak freely about this mysterious project I cut short explaining yesterday. I am currently involved in a project regarding HRC (heat resistant chocolate) specifically the stickers attached to the product to show potential customers at a innovation fare exactly what it is. Along with my group, in which we are becoming closer and creating better ideas each day, have spent a good four hours ensuring we are proud to put our name to the work.

After staring at my screen for countless hours using the trial and error method, I finally conceded to the fact it may have got the better of me, MAY being the crucial word here. Remembering why I had come to Cadbury I approached the Art Design department and picked a few peoples brains to solve my problem. Within minutes I once again felt like a Photoshop pro. Through asking the people who know this program like the back of their hand had shown me, if you don’t ask you don’t get. A few helpful pieces of advice had turned my constant losing battle into a very once sided victory. The thickness of the line no longer haunted me. An hour or so later and our concept drawings had come to life!

Minutes after printing and creating our packaging, the client arrived at our office door and asked for an update. My heart could of pounded straight out my chest, had we met the client’s expectations? I was proud of my work, it looked professional even worthy of a place at an awards evening in my eyes, but was I completely delusional!

The client loved the concept!

A few tweaks to be made over night and I can officially add my name to the list of people who have produced professional work for Cadbury.

Of course this is no Gorilla or even Eyebrows but time to move aside,
HRC Stickers are in town!

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