Tuesday 5 April 2011

Day 2

Tuesday 5th April 2011

Three little words Real Live Brief

Arriving at my desk aka The Cadbury - Kraft Sofa Area, we set about reviewing our ideas from yesterday. It was a unanimous decision, we had possibly gone too far off topic but a clear mind and fresh eyes from a good nights sleep had made this apparent.

Ideas once again started bouncing around the group until Caress was reborn with a new approach and more importantly a new pitch. However, being only the second day of this upcoming brand I think I will end this here.

 Sketch, alter, sketch, and alter. That pretty much sums up my sketchpad at the moment. This is one side of the placement if I’m honest I have been dreading. Not one to back away from a challenge I persevered with my amateur sketching ability and surprisingly, before I knew it five pages of fairly decent ideas had been created.

 A few hours later a slight buzz of excitement seemed to take over the office, contagiously I soon had this buzz. News of a real live brief had just been secured and to top it off I would get to be part of it.

 Unfortunately, this will have to be resumed in tomorrows post, as although it should be fine, I don’t fancy breaking my confidentiality contract and being faced with a Cadbury lawsuit.

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