Thursday 7 April 2011

Day 4

Thursday 7th April 2011

Hi Hannah, It’s Sam from the Design Studio

Today was definitely the hardest I’ve worked so far but also the most rewarding. Project HRC finally came together with a grand total of 375 products now sporting our sticker designs.

Before even arriving this morning it was apparent today would be deadline central. Three meetings with various people and clients were booked in.

Beginning at 9.30 we met with Kirsty from the Art Department who sorted us out with the stock image we needed to finalise the bag design. This would later become a blockade on our path to client satisfaction.

11 o’clock the clients arrived led by Hannah Bird, they too had deadlines to meet so an update on the progress of the stickers was a crucial part of the day. We had worked solidly all morning with little time to even speak casually with each other. Thermometer design perfect! The clients were satisfied we could all see the hard work about to pay off…or not. The bag design would be our temporary down fall.

The imagery didn’t work

The stock image we had arrived early to secure didn’t meet the clients initial approval, however, quick to think we assured them, thirty minutes and the problem would be resolved. So with an exchange of numbers and a second meeting planned we set about rectifying the problem.

Twenty minutes in, new image courtesy of our own photography skills, new design and problem solved…once again so we thought.

Professional phone call later, our clients returned.

The chocolate piece we had placed onto the design no longer resembled chocolate and more of as the clients put it ‘a brown pillow’. One to thrive off one to one communication I clarified how the chocolate would best look and asked the clients to give us a few minutes and assured them, this time it would be right!


The designs were finished, the clients were happy and most importantly I was proud to have my name associated with it.

375 printed stickers later, an exchange of thanks, the name Sam Tubb along with my fellow group members had joined the list of, its fair to say professionals, who had produced real live work for Cadbury.

To top off an extremely successful day we had our final meeting regarding a concept brief in which a postproduction theme was required for a new chocolate range.  More on that tomorrow though.

Needless to say a good nights rest is on the cards

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