Thursday 14 April 2011

Day 9

Thursday April 14th 2011

Enter The Time Warp

The meetings at the end of each day seem the longest as before you know it hours have gone by, however, these are also the most valuable and informative parts of my day by far.

We started the day off in the usual fashion of setting up our meeting space in the office, a few ideas were jotted down for the progression of Bits and Bites, before the day took more of a personal stance with us all working on our portfolios getting ready for print.

We had just returned from the printers and continued working on the progression ideas when Rachel our ‘go to girl’ and fair to say saviour with the whole Choco incident presented us with four bulging at the seams bags of Cadbury products as recognition of the work we had competed over the two weeks.

This however, put a spanner in our works

Not knowing today was Rachel’s last day we had planned to get her some flowers and give them to her on Friday. Ever the think on your feet sort of group, we navigated our way to the local village and purchased some flowers to brighten up her desk after lunch.

This small gesture went down a treat
Female colleagues surrounded her desk!
We were the men of the moment.

The afternoon carried on finalising our progression ideas before the meeting at the end of the day with Martin. We entered his office and the feedback began. The overall comments were extremely positive with the ideas we had generated meeting approval and even being told the OoDs idea we had pitched at the start of the week would be brought up with the BIG BIG client in another pitch meeting.

Hearing this news, I left another day knowing safe in my knowledge this is definitely an industry I want to be part of, but also one I’ll make sure my name is made in!

creative agent


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